Saturday, November 3, 2007
Be back soon
Im away spending more time with my family. Dont worry I will have more freebies hopefully soon.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Spooked! Freebie for halloween.

I love halloween because I get to see the children come to the door dressed up. I have seen alot of children make there own costumes and it is fun to see how creative they can be especially since I love crafts and sewing. I couldn't go without making a freebie for halloween! Soooo...
This kit has 28 elements and 13 papers. For a larger view click image.
Download here...
Sorry Gone
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Ooooh goodies!

Look what I've got!!!!!!!!!!

These are the beautiful Scrapbook items I purchased from Which is good because I haven't been paper scrapbooking in along time. I am so excited. I can't wait for them to arrive so I can use them.

Credits: Paper from Daydreamer kit- Melanie JohnsonFrame-
Photo Corner- Misty Cato
love ribbon- Marcee J. Duggar
Beadie Heart- Scrappy Pony Designs
Heart Brads- ValGouveia
The pics were taken earlier this month. This layout was fun to make because I love bright colors. They make me feel better.
Credits:Plaid Green paper- Mollie SwordaScrappin
Spring it on Solids (paper)- Cori Gammon http://virtuosity.typepad.combeads
Beads and bow- me
Ribbon, ric rac, pin- ValGouveia
Frame Sampler- Rachael Giallongo
Glitter Swirl- Traci Sims
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Birthday Freebie!!!!
Sunday, September 2, 2007
"Out At Night" Kit Freebie

This Kit is called Out At Night. Its called that because Im bad at naming things lol. I don't know how I came up with it. I think it was because the black and all of the other colors reminded me of stars or something like that. I had fun with the colors. I didn't think it would come out right. There are 74 elements, 20 papers and 5 glitter borders. I think I will start making kits like this and every now and then seperate elements. It is very fun! Please comment. Heres the link...
Sorry Gone
Saturday, September 1, 2007
2 New Shirts
Saturday, August 11, 2007
New Freebie... Tropical Punch Kit

I'm so excited how this kit came out. I used some random stuff from my craft area for most of the elements and made the glitter and papers from scratch. Not all papers and elements are shown. There are 38 elements and 20 papers. Papers are presized to 12 x 12 inches (864 x 864 pixels). 300 dpi.
Please comment.
Download here...
Sorry Gone
Friday, July 13, 2007
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Oh im so excited.... My fiance bought our daughter some new clothes and he got me a Canon Rebel XTi. Im so excited. I guess Ill be practicing with it all week long and maybe next week also I guess. My fingers are trembling thats how excited I am. I was so excited that we went to walmart and I brought the camera with me... into walmart! My fiance also boughtthe new playstation 3 buy trading in his playstation 2 and some games... I think he only paid about $280.00 for it... Now I can take better pictures of my daughter in her new outfits!!! Yay!
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Crocheted Flowers Prt 1 Freebie
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Ten minutes ago- New LOs

Paper- Amy Teets
Cardboard Overlay- Kylie Crawley
Tied Up In Knots- Designing On The Edge
Dogwood Blossom (green border and stitches)- Kimberly Cameron
Seed Beads- Designing On The Edge
White tag- Wenchd Grafix
Orange pinned ribbon- Tricia Cavalcante
glitter trim- Nicole Pols
DON QUICHOTTE kit (sequin ribbon)- Sabine Etienne
Glitter Gamour Swirls-
Spunk Funky Blooms- Corina Nielsen Designs
Baby Boom (everything on LO) -Jeannette Gaidecki
Saturday, June 30, 2007
New Blog Colors!
The old colors got boring to look at for me and I wanted something that would pop so I chose my colors wisely. This color scheme made me very happy because I like the bright colors with the black. Hope you like it as well!
Thursday, June 28, 2007
New Freebie You Guys!
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
New Dress for my daughter.

Thursday, June 21, 2007
Monday, June 11, 2007
Sunday, June 10, 2007
2 Old LOs I found while looking for files on my computer

Over The Rainbow
Purple Ric Rac -By Cherie Shields
Everything else by me.

Strawberry Cheeks
Knotted Ribbon-Anna Benjamin
Real Buttons(recolored)- Lisa Whitney
Leather strawberry, paper, felt flower, box bow, big polka dotted frame all by me!
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Made some new LOs Had fun YAY!

Meet The Little Pink Bear...
Credits: Hello Sunshine (Frame, Ribbon Bows, Rope, Rope Flower, graph paper, cardboard and staples recolored)-Mary
Sweet Pink (Buttons recolored)- Graziela Mendes
Font: WeeWeeCafe and Verdana
Purple Stitches, textured paper and white paint brush streaks by me!
Say Cheese...
Credits: Real Buttons (recolored)- Lisa Whitney http://lisawhitney.typepad.comStitches, Cardboard, Frames, Papers, Jewels, Fibers, Sparkle Brushes(used in photo) and tags by me. Font- Violation
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
I've decided to challenge myself!
Jeweled Chipboard Flowers Freebie!
Saturday, June 2, 2007
Friday, June 1, 2007
Our Little Clown

I took that picture after she was jumping around and laughing in her crib. She made me and her daddy smile alot. She was being so silly, throwing around her toys and having fun with her precious moments doll. We had just came from outside and she was still having fun. We were supposed to go to the beach but we ended up going to the mall instead because there was no where to park as usual but she still had so much fun that day even though we didnt get to enjoy the sand between our toes and the water. I love those little hair clips and those little bows. They are so cool. P.S. This layout was made by one of my own kits that I made myself.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Ooooh Wow!

I think I know why my hands are always sweaty.
Today I woke up with red swollen sweaty hands and sweaty feet. This happens a little too often. I cant control it of course. I think even one time in school I washed my hands about 6 times and was late for class at the beginning of the school year because I knew someone was going to eventually shake my hands. You know what happens when you don't shake someones hand. They get offended. I did a little googling and I found this... Hyperhidrosis, in simple terms, can be defined as overly active sweat glands stimulated by the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system. This is the part of the nervous system which is responsible for releasing perspiration throughout the body. This is the body's natural method of cooling itself down during active periods (such as exercise) or exposure to warm conditions. A person with hyperhidrosis experiences uncontrolled sweating and/or blushing. Those who suffer from this condition are faced with major challenges every day... Im a hundred percent sure thats what I have unless it is something worse. Lets hope not. My fingers are very swollen cherry red as we speak and my toes feel like I've been walking on needles in a pit of fire. That means I have it bad yea. I know. I like just throwing on chinese slippers to go to the mall but I can't where any type of flip flop really because I'll slip and fall. The physiological consequences are also dehydration wich may explain some other personal problems I've been having and my hands are often cold when its really hot outside. I've also had trouble writing notes in school because my hands were so sweaty.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Why was it so hard for us to find a pink carseat!

Another Letter wallhanging I made

The letter E. The second letter of my daughters name. Even though th colors do not match the letter Y for some reason they go together really good. I love the bow I got. I purchased it at the local Dollar Tree for 2 for a dollar. They had pink, yellow, blue and purple available at the time so i got 2 of each hopefully all of them will come in handy. I think I will make some kind of wallhanging with them also. If all else fails I will probably be giving them away to another crafter.
My Little Big Girl

The picture was actually taken after she came from the doctors she started acting very different. I soon then learned she can stand up by holding her crib bars so I had to keep the side of the crib up so she wouldn't get hurt or anything. She also loves holding her own hands lol I don't know why and she loves her daddy's glasses. She always tries to take them off. She actually doesn;t put things in her mouth really unless it is her bottle so we can keep her on the floor in her room. Sh definitely cant go on the floor in the living room it is so dirty because of our dog Diamond. She isn't trained yet. So you know what that means... Everywhere is her potty. Hopefully we will rent a really good floor cleaner soon and later on buy one because we absolutely need it incase of another accident lol. Well anyways back to talking about the page.
The idea of this layout was from Close To My Heart. The papers were made by me. I made everything accept those beautiful ribbon bows...
Ribbon Bows by Wendy Page
Ribbon bows lightened and altered to make brads
When you were a newborn...

Simply what it says. I didnt really want to put any journaling on it. Just a title. I made the layout from some papers that I made about 3 months ago or so. That is a picture of my daughter a month after she came from the hospital. In this picture you can't really tell because she isn't crying but she has a palsy in her face from the doctors misuse of forceps. Shes 7 months old now. They say that her facial palsy went away but I still can see it. And on top of that they sent me medical bills that I definitely am not paying. Which reminds me I have to call them this week and clear that up.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
My Little Sweetheart

For my first digital scrapbook submission I decided to post one of my simple pages first. I recolored my daughters dress from yellow to green because I thought it suited the color of the page more. I made the papers and the frames in a snap and used some brushes I had for about 3 years now and made them into photoshop brushes. I did this page just because shes my little sweetheart. I didn't put any journaling because I thought it would look better that way!
Friday, May 18, 2007
Just Got Some Bows Today

Friday, April 13, 2007
A letter wallhanging I made for my daughter!

This is a letter wall hanging that I made for my daughter almost as soon as she was born. I was so excited. I had bought new paper from Hobby Lobby. I love Hobby Lobby. Its my favorite store for crafts. You can find anything there. I still go to Joanns and Michaels everyonce in a while but Hobby Lobby is a crafters heaven! I found those little red bows also their. The ribbon I got for sale in a bag surrounded by other ribbon *sigh* for just 99 cents. Wow what a bargain! This wall hanging isn't hanging in my daughters room yet. Im waiting to buy a house and decorate her room to hang this up. I cant wait to decorate her room. I just have crazy ideas in my head that are ready to explode out. Well I had fun making this and later on I plan on making letters to the rest of her name. Thats six more letters. It took me about 15 minutes to do this and I may add more embellishments but not too much because I don't want it to look overwhelming although I think it came out pretty great for my first wall art!
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