Today I woke up with red swollen sweaty hands and sweaty feet. This happens a little too often. I cant control it of course. I think even one time in school I washed my hands about 6 times and was late for class at the beginning of the school year because I knew someone was going to eventually shake my hands. You know what happens when you don't shake someones hand. They get offended. I did a little googling and I found this... Hyperhidrosis, in simple terms, can be defined as overly active sweat glands stimulated by the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system. This is the part of the nervous system which is responsible for releasing perspiration throughout the body. This is the body's natural method of cooling itself down during active periods (such as exercise) or exposure to warm conditions. A person with hyperhidrosis experiences uncontrolled sweating and/or blushing. Those who suffer from this condition are faced with major challenges every day... Im a hundred percent sure thats what I have unless it is something worse. Lets hope not. My fingers are very swollen cherry red as we speak and my toes feel like I've been walking on needles in a pit of fire. That means I have it bad yea. I know. I like just throwing on chinese slippers to go to the mall but I can't where any type of flip flop really because I'll slip and fall. The physiological consequences are also dehydration wich may explain some other personal problems I've been having and my hands are often cold when its really hot outside. I've also had trouble writing notes in school because my hands were so sweaty.